Pacman Fight links to Heart Attack
Have you heard about of three people died for heart attack watching the fight of Manny recently against Ricky Hatton? I was stunned when I heard it! I have never heard it since he won the fight, I just heard it today. This is so shocking! Three people died because of the excitement watching Manny Pacquaio punching Ricky Hatton and knocking it down and beating it in just two rounds; because of that a Filipino 54 year old suffered a heart attack while watching the fight of Pacman against Hitman (Ricky Hatton), and the 67 years old tricycle driver, and 52 year old dropped dead. And confirmed 3 dies of heart attack while watching Manny! This is unbelievable news and sad to say that they took it seriously and personally; this is the most controversial history of Manny PAcman in boxing fighting! They are one of the millions fans of Manny who passed away adoring and supporting him till the end. Lesson: person that has history of heart disease must let their selves calm when watching some exciting events or just avoid watching it all. Heart Attack happens and occurs when too much excited.
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