How can we deal of being jobless?
At this moment of time perhaps you feel terrible because you can’t find a job, you have looked and looked but there are no jobs available. It is simply because there are only few job opportunities in our nation.
Certainty one of the tragedies of our time or any other time of economic distress is the widespread unemployment in many nations. We should all pray for our world and its leaders, that they will have wisdom to find solutions to this distressing problem. God did not intent for us to be idle and unproductive, and there is dignity in work.
In this time of recession, if you are jobless one thing that could help you right now are not to give up or give in to despair and become depressed. Pray that God will help you use this time in the best possible way. Make it a challenge in life and be optimistic of many chances that could possibly come to you. God is always good; he is always your way and your hope.
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