Do you have a proper on-time meal?
Do you take a complete meal every day? Do you consider Breakfast, lunch, and supper are important to be completed every day? I have noticed in North America they don’t usually have on-time meal (such as on time breakfast, lunch, and supper). In Asian countries they considered on-time meal very crucial to human’s health; they usually have breakfast on 7 am, lunch on 12 noon, and supper during 7 pm. Asian people are very attentive on Ulcer disease, or they considered it a serious problem so they usually encourage every members of the family to have a perfect on-time meal (or at least to eat 3 times a day). It’s already part of the culture and behavior.
However, Based on what I’ve known about adult Americans; they don’t usually have a proper on-time meal, they can eat at improper time such as late in the morning, passed at noon, or late at night. And to eat three times a day they don’t take it seriously; sometimes they don’t usually take breakfast and eating with a bunch food 2 times a day with no proper time is enough (LOL).
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