Constipation Solution
Constipation is a serious problem to all individuals; disposing waste must be daily otherwise it gives toxic to human’s body. Irregular bowel movement is not normal. I had this problem before and I’m sick of dealing it, I have to find way to solve that problem. I already took some medicine pills but later I was become dependant to the pill (it’s weird). And I tried taking food, fruits with fiber but it’s not enough though. I already had tried different constipation pills but it has no good impact since you will become more dependent on it.
I had tried taking yogurt and indeed it was helping me. For one month of taking I have got a regular bowel movement at last! I was very happy. You can also have home-made yogurt since it is not inexpensive in the market. Yogurt will easily build enzyme on your intestine; it is a healthy treat too and seems full of fibers. Fascinating! So if you have a constipation problem try yogurt or home-made yogurt and take it for about four weeks (one per day), and your normal bowel movement will begin. And you can now face the healthy living.
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