A Christian faith
Why do we find such difference of opinion and such strong feelings on the part of some Christians about some matters of faith and church procedures?
Well, The Christian faith is so great in its implications that it is difficult for man to see it all. It is something like a diamond with many facets and we see only a part of the diamond at one time. Another reason is that there are times when we magnify some particular point beyond its significance. There are things about the Christian faith which are essential; there are others which are important in varying degrees but which have no bearing on one’s personal salvation.
Then, too, the frailty and perversities of human nature may cause us to interpret certain truths from a purely human viewpoint, thereby losing their spiritual significance.
If was impossible to really know what our Heavenly Father actually says is absolutely true about Himself and the righteousness of all of His most awesome ways, then we would have to have faith in our faith. On the other hand, if it is possible to really know, then no "Christian" should be comfortable with there being so many different beliefs. That is, unless they are willing to accept that our Heavenly Father suffers from multiple personalities or something like that. For all of His children of faith are supposed to have the mind of Christ, which would mean that all who are truly in Him would look at things like He does to the extent that He will allow and enable to.
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