Dealing with constipation?
Dealing with constipation? Well, many people experience this problem, and apparently it is not healthy and it’s harmful to human’s health since it could give toxic to your body if within days you did not dispose your waste. The normal bowel movement is daily. I have this problem before and I felt uncomfortable. I have tried Yogurt; it’s full of fiber and truly is the answer of constipation problem.
I have been taking yogurt straight for four weeks (1 month), and it’s positive remedy for constipation; after a month I have a normal bowel movement, I feel comfortable with it since it is not harmful unlike taking other medicines. Yogurt is a healthy treat that builds enzyme to your intestine that able you to have a normal disposal of waste. You just take yogurt 4 weeks straight then you will get an awesome result. Let’s be healthy! If you have the problem of constipation, eat food or fruits that more of fiber, and yogurt- it has a strong fiber and builds enzyme quickly.
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