Making Healthy Yogurt

Yogurt is one of the healthiest food and good for enzyme for digestion. To avoid spending lots of money to buy yogurt you can make it in home, all you have to do is to have a dry yogurt culture, and milk, and have cooking pot, clean equipment, and clean hands. How to make it? Well just pour 8 cups of milk into a large cooking pot, heat the milk to 85 degrees Celsius then cool the milk to 43 degrees, then keep the yogurt at 43 degrees and add 1/2 cup of the starter, you can add 1/3 cup of dry milk if you want thicker yogurt. Then cover the pot at a temperature of 4o to 45 degrees Celsius for 4 to 6 hours, then your homemade yogurt is ready! You can add some fruits, nuts, honey or spices. Yogurt helps naturally regulate your digestive system. Very good to our health digestive system!

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