How to appear offline in Yahoo Messenger

Did you know how to appear offline or invisible permanently to any of your messenger lists? Before I was wondering why I can’t see my friend on my messenger list while it shows to others. How could she appear offline to me while she is visible to everyone except me? Well, eventually I know how it works, you can possibly hide and invisible to anyone from your messenger lists without changing your status to invisible entirely or making your status invisible to only one person not for the entire lists. Here are few simple steps:

1. log in to your yahoo messenger account
2. In your messenger lists, select one name from your lists that you would like not to show your visibility.
3. Only click once to highlight the selected name, now right click your mouse while its pointed to the highlighted name and select the “stealth settings” and you can see the two options the “Appear offline to-“ or “Appear permanently offline to-“ either of that two you want to apply.

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