Watch OUT!
Watch out from the pretender around you, and watch out to one friend that you thought it is your friend, but later will exchange you a cruel/evil words! Watch out from the judgmental person who is acting they know everything, and even in your personal life; a real friend and educated/professional person can't easily blow a cruel word towards you unless he/she is uneducated person, no respect, cruel, immoral, or he/she has a bitterness in her/his own life (we can see it through her/his words and actions), we'll know the real situation of one person the way he/she acted.
People who have a real peace in life always exchange you a peace word(with compassion and respect) If you have respect to yourself then respect the other people, and always avoid hurting anybody if you don't want to be hurt too. Always watch every word you blow because it might be back to you. You are not a genius! You are not a perfect, and nobody is perfect, I'm sure your life is not perfect too. Don't be so much conceited because you know even you - you have no perfect life! The tires are still rolling.
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