The dangers of Mosquitoes
It’s a summer time and we can’t avoid mosquitoes that exist anywhere (mainly in our surroundings); Mosquitoes will immerge during warmer weather (summer) –their favorite time of the year! A mosquito is a common problem worldwide and we hated these insects most!
Every year it causes millions of death around the world; there are more than 2,000 types of mosquitoes- separated with male and female. It says that female mosquito drinks blood from human through biting, and injects victims with a substance that could keep blood flowing. The male mosquitoes on the other hand are different because they don’t drink blood (but only fluids from plants).
Female mosquito sucks and drinks blood, and it causes death from millions of people on earth; the most popular disease caused by mosquitoes is the Malaria ( mostly goes on children), and the most continents known for this problem are Africa, Asia, western Pacific ocean, middle east, and central and south America. Very dangerous insects, let’s protect our health!
In my part of the world the mosquitoes carry some type of west nile virus. And it could be deadly too.
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