C'elle saves life!

C’elle is a groundbreaking technology today that collects and preserves stem blood cells, and these stem cells that are being collected can be used to treat life threatening diseases; you and your loved ones can be benefited from it. Check out the C'elle Blog to know how helpful and useful the menstrual blood can be; in spite of the fact that menstrual blood from women is considered as unsanitary waste. According to a new research, the menstrual fluid has contained self-renewing stem cells that can be collected, processed and cryo-preserved for future cellular therapies. Indeed, the menstrual stem cells that are being collected and cryo-preserved will be used in the future to treat cancer and other life threatening diseases including diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, stroke, Alzheimer, Parkinson’s disease, and vascular regeneration and breast cancer.

The stem cells that are being extracted from the woman’s menstrual blood are unique because they have many characteristic and properties similar to bone marrow and embryonic cells that can multiply rapidly and differentiate into many other types of stem cells such as neural, cardiac, bone, fat, and cartilage. C'elle has become more interesting to me! Why don’t you visit C'elle today to read more information about it?


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