Amazing Dolphin Bubbles
I was stunned when I saw the Dolphin Bubbles video; I’ve never seen this behavior before, it looks really cool! I love Dolphins and they are my favorite mammals, and today I did not expect to see the dolphin’s amazing behavior; Dolphins are blowing bubbles out of their blow holes and they are playing with them by pushing and spinning them around, it’s amazing, isn’t it? You better watch the video!
In fact, The Dolphin Bubbles at Sea World in Orlando was featured on ABC’s World News with Charles Gibson; it says that this behavior had not been noticed before but recently dolphins are playing and blowing bubbles, and teaching and showing one another. It is truly amazing indeed! First time I saw the video I almost thought that it was untrue but when I heard the news with Charles Gibson on ABC’s World News it made me believed (100% sure), very cool performance. I truly believe that the Sea World in Orlando is one of the amazing places to visit today, and the perfect place to go with kids!
So check out the video today, and enjoy the cool performance of the dolphins and their bubbles. Also, you can leave comments at DolphinBubbles page.
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