Struggling blogger from payingpost or
To all bloggers I don't know if you experienced the same as what I experienced from this blogging network, payingpost or ( they changed their name): I was very happy when I reached their minimum payout and afterwards I am not receiving payment for almost 2 months now, I am really sad, frustrated and disappointed, after all of being loyal and abide their rules ( as a great bloggers to them) they don't care at all! There are many bloggers working hard, struggling just to earn money from blog, giving time and effort to write a reviews to earn but it seems payingpost is just playing around to the bloggers, they don't care and emphasize the hard work and effort that bloggers have done to them - if there is no bloggers then there will be no advertisers nor payingpost or blogadvertisingstore. Till I can't receive payment from them I won't stop expressing my feeling ( the upset and stress that they give to me/us) - I will continue to express it in my blog. I believe that we are free to express our thoughts, opinion, or feelings ( and I can only express my bitterness in my blog), and this is what I feel right now to them, bitterness. It won't stop till I will not receive payment from them. And I am continuously sending an email to them and to the advertisers (even to a new advertisers to warn them) over and over again till I will not get the payment, and if really nothing's gonna happen, maybe it's time to report them in Google if they don't really change!
Well, this network payingpost or blogadvertisingstore is sucks and scam! They don't pay me too.
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