No More OPP today
I can't believe that I could not grab OPP today, I did get nothing, one of my blogs has a PR2 and I thought I could get more OPP at this time, but it seems there is no different as before, the offers or OPPs are really slow, but perhaps in a couple of days it is going to be fine, because sometimes in one day I could get more than 3 Opps, but I usually expected to get OPP at least one per day but today has none (lol). Maybe there schedule has been changed again - instead of giving OPP during the day they will give it at night or midnight (haha), well the thing is I couldn't stay late just to wait their OPPs. Well, we have different zone clock so maybe they must roll over the schedule to every different states to be fair. Huhuh , no Opp, no Opp, it's boring! Today is my boring day of the week, plus one of the blogging networks has never paid me yet. SO not only boring day but a sad day. Hopefully tomorrow I could get one or more (lol), I love to write, and I always love to write reviews, It makes my day brighter and better. You, do you have passion on writing even if you think you are not speaking fluently with English Language?
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