Current experience on friendster
Have your computer experienced of crashing off by the time you open the friendster page? It is pretty disgusting. I opened my friendster today and then my computer keeps acting crazy, it says that my computer needs to be scanned because it has viruses on it, and this confirmation exist when I open the friendster and I got errors. What happened was after I log in the friendster page - it experiences freezing, hanging, crashing, and it closes itself. And by the time it closes they are sending me this confirmation box that I need to scan my computer, and then if you click OK on it you will be in big trouble becauce it is a virus. If you see box like that asking you to scan your computer don't trust it because it is a virus itself, you need to click the cancel to cancel that freaky virus that is trying to harm your computer. Friendster is indeed not safe, it is not always on safe mood, that is why it makes me moody by the time I use that social site, it is not fun anymore. When do they fix this kind of problem? It is freaking some users huh. Now this site is freaking me out, it loses me inspiration to open then.
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