About chikkatalk
Have you heard about chikkatalk? Chikkatalk is same as chikka messenger you can send text messages from the computer to the phone for free. Chikkatalk can be found in Gmail account, so if you have gmail account you can enable the text messenger icon, just go to the "settings" then under that settings you can see "lab" click the lab then find the icon for text messenger and enable it for ready to use. The chikkatalk is very advantage if you are using linux operating system in your computer because you can able to use "google talk" it means you can use or log in there using your gmail account ( if you have pilgin in your linux OS) and you can start sending text messages to any phone number for free. Since you can't download chikka messenger on linux ( because it is only compatible to windows) you can use chikkatalk through google talk using your Gmail account to log in. Is it not cool? Or you can use your Gmail account page itself to login to your chikkatalk. But "google talk" is more convenient.
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