The Opportunities!
It's so sad there are many opportunities in Socialspark but I am not qualified, well, it is not really says I am not qualified but my blogs are not a member of their blogroll that's what it says. They are giving opportunities almost everyday but I have never got even one of it; it is pretty sad.
On the other hand, Payperpost has many opportunities but they only offer a small amount of every opportunities; it's so sad but I grabbed it though, it's better than nothing! How I wish they gave big amounts same as they gave in socialspark network. Blogging is so slow today, last month is better I got lots of opportunities in socialspark with big amounts. Today is indeed rare.
On the other hand, Payperpost has many opportunities but they only offer a small amount of every opportunities; it's so sad but I grabbed it though, it's better than nothing! How I wish they gave big amounts same as they gave in socialspark network. Blogging is so slow today, last month is better I got lots of opportunities in socialspark with big amounts. Today is indeed rare.
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