Google Page Rank Calculation
I found an interesting article from; it’s all about “Google page rank calculation" it's very interesting since I am curious on how I am going to increase my PageRank and how I am going to calculate the visibility of my site. Indeed, this article is helping a lot of bloggers. Google search engine truly is the most popular search engine; from Google you will be able to check and determine the visibility and popularity of your site. From the article I learned the three most important key measurements of Google; the number of BackLinks, the number of pages indexed, and the Google PageRank. BackLinks is refer to - when people link to you and visiting your blog; the more people link you, the more people find you and visit your blog and it creates good impact of visibility on your blog. The number of pages are the pages of your site; the articles that you have posted and made. And then the PageRank; a ranking numbered 1 through 10, I learned that it takes 100 links to reach the PageRank 3 and 1000 links for PageRank 4, and 10,000 links for PageRank 5, I got an idea here! Awesome! Also visit the latest article called "Advertising and products differentiation."
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