My experience in Payperpost
Why I was not approve in Payperpost? It was very frustrating and disappointing, Unfortunately, according to the Payperpost, my blog did not meet the requirements like blog must be at least 90 days in order to participate, it would be counted from the blog first post. Furthermore, a blog must have at least 20 pre-existing original quality posts at least 3-5 sentences in the last 90 days prior to using their service. Additionally it says too that many of my posts are not written clearly, how's that happened? Posts must be coherent and written clearly in order to approve the blog. Well they advised me to resubmit again in the future if I will be enough qualified of their requirements. But, on the other hand, I was approved by Socialsparks on the other hand, it's still adequate. If you have experienced same like this, don't worry just post more topics with the good grammar and content with clearly written by your own.
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