The Newest MMO game
Have you heard of MMO online games? I've already heard it a couple times, but I found a great resource where you can get information about this online game ( how it was created, where it was started or when or how it was created and discovered), you will also know the basic instruction of this game or how to play this game. I also heard that you can buy a MMO Game card like 60day game cards; some players are paying every month to play the game. This game is very popular in canada and now it is started rolling in North America and Europe. Now there is a newest MMO game called AION where you can customize the character like you can give the eyes, lips, hair, and skin any color you wish, and the combat is quite similar to the combat style of traditional MMO, WoW, WAR and EQ2. It is very interesting online game; you can get some information of this game by visiting aion, you will learn how to play the game (step by step) and you will know the type, steps and instructions of the game. So check out aion classes and explore the site and learn the game. Let's try, play and have fun! In addition, you can register on the page and join the forum or make a thread, you can learn lots of things in the forum.