I stay fair with Payingpost!
Though I stopped grabbing Opps (opportunity, reviews) from payingpost and despite of unfairness that they have given to me I stay reliable, respectful and fair to them. Stop grabbing or writing reviews from them does not mean that I totally leave the network or remove my blog, my post, etc. I stay as a professional blogger to them, all posts are still on my Blog as well my blogs are still on their network... The reason why I stopped writing as of now because I lost an inspiration to write because I did not receive any payment from them after I reach their threshold or their minimum payout, it's been about two months now and they stay being deaf about of my payment.. But, nevertheless I have not deleted or even removed my posts that I have written to them, because I still believe the negotiation between the bloggers and the payingpost or blogadvertisingstore and I hope they will do the same. I hope you will try to look at your surrounding payingpost how we treat you nicely and fairly and I pray that you will do the same. I stopped writing from you but all my posts are still there on my blogs... I am still waiting that payments that I deserve to get. Please be fair and mature enough to handle this responsibility.
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