Our fun time!

As part of our fun time, me and my friend usually go to a several yard sale/garage sale near in our area; garage sale and yard sale has no difference (it's similar) and the coolest thing is -all stuff that you could find in the yard sale are the cheapest amount ever! You can buy all stuff in cents ( less than a dollar) and all stuff like clothes, souvenirs, toys, and many others are all affordable since it's only cost in cents, is it not cool? Everybody can really afford it. All stuff can still be used because it's not a junk, it has a quality still.

Me and my friend is addicted to it, this type of yard selling items is cool, the stuffs are just being displayed at the yard of the owner's house or in their garage (at their property). Have you ever tried a yard sale? I love it! We would love to go over and over again to look some cheapest stuff that only cost for cents ( very affordable!).

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