The winter becomes Bad!
The winter becomes bad, it becomes worse this month, and How much more in February? Oh my God I always hate winter season I've been having a hard time to adjust the climate in USA. But I was also thinking the north or the west part it will be colder out there, every day has a snow. So I am still thankful that I am living in Southeast part in the United States, I can't deal those places that are snowing everyday! whoaaa! That would be a nightmare for me! But it would have been perfect if we had lived in Florida, that's a perfect place to live - the climate there is very similar to the place where I used to live. I think even Americans who were born here still have not adjusted the winter yet (lol)! Winter time is terrible especially on January and February huhuhu, but at least we have had a heater in home, or at work that keeps us warm somehow. The states that are located in the North are worse so we the southern are more lucky (lol). Let's enjoy the warm in home! I can't wait to feel the spring on April or late march.
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