Top 5 Well Being Today
Top 5 Well Being Today
Does prayer work - Has a strong faith affects our physical bodies. It is proven that prayer could help. I believed that even just occasional private prayer and Scripture meditation help people live healthier and longer lives. Prayer definitely brings with it a physiological and physical benefit.
Facing the storm - Let's face trials or burdens in life, we need balance at all. No one can be perfect, or have a perfect life. But every one of us has the opportunity to experience perfect grace through a personal relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ.
Exploring faith - Having faith is doing prayer which is the natural cry of the soul to God and to communicate with God. He actually waits for us to call out to Him. That longing for spirituality that you feel within your soul was put there by God so you would seek Him and find Him.
At the end of your rope - It is all about to ending your life, which senseless and it just like you offer you self to hell. I want to ask you to consider doing something other than trying to end your life. You may have tried counseling or talking to someone to no avail.
Living on purpose - Why are we here now? Because we live to have a purpose, "TO Serve God "The Bible talks about the world beginning with the creation of a beautiful garden and two blameless people who walked and talked with God. Let's talk about God as How great he is.
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